Road safety is always an important issue to tackle. According to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, there were 32,719 fatalities in motor vehicle accidents in 2013 alone with another 2.3 million injuries. The road is a dangerous place and it is the responsibility of the driver and road safety systems managers to keep everyone safe. At Brahman Systems, our goal is to create the strongest equipment so that our customers can perform and work safely.
The biggest holes in road safety systems are found in construction, infrastructure maintenance and of course, the biggest holes can sometimes be the potholes.
Road construction can have a lot of advantages….once it is finished. However, in the meantime, road construction means more traffic, detours and having to maneuver around crews and equipment. This is where it can get dangerous for some commuters. During construction, digging underground and excavating old roadways requires the use of a lot of heavy duty vehicles and tools. That means lots of debris and potentially harmful situations for both drivers and construction workers. If hoses are being used to move or repair water mains, but they aren’t being properly protected, water can begin leaking and causing roads to become slick or they can burst from heavy traffic constantly moving over them.
Infrastructure has been a big discussion topic in 2015 as there is more and more noticeable failings and repairs needed to the nation’s highways, bridges, dams and roadways. These structures are central to how the US moves, transports and does business, so when they begin failing, it can spell disaster. The main reason why most necessary maintenance doesn’t happen? Funding. That is why Brahman is dedicated to bringing down the costs of your job site by offering high quality materials that will cut your production costs by almost 40%!
Road safety systems are necessary to keeping the flow of commuters and civil engineers and Brahman Systems has the products that can help keep people safe and production moving steadily. Don’t take a chance receiving a fine from OSHA, having an employee hurt or damaging your equipment, instead opt for the advanced protection of Brahman’s cable and hose protectors. Made with steel and tested to 65 tons, our patented design is the clear winner against our competitors. Find out what Brahman boards can do for your company by calling our offices at 225-637-3700 or fill out our no-obligation Request a Quote form and get a speedy answer and a free Brahman pen!
The biggest holes in road safety systems are found in construction, infrastructure maintenance and of course, the biggest holes can sometimes be the potholes.
Road construction can have a lot of advantages….once it is finished. However, in the meantime, road construction means more traffic, detours and having to maneuver around crews and equipment. This is where it can get dangerous for some commuters. During construction, digging underground and excavating old roadways requires the use of a lot of heavy duty vehicles and tools. That means lots of debris and potentially harmful situations for both drivers and construction workers. If hoses are being used to move or repair water mains, but they aren’t being properly protected, water can begin leaking and causing roads to become slick or they can burst from heavy traffic constantly moving over them.
Infrastructure has been a big discussion topic in 2015 as there is more and more noticeable failings and repairs needed to the nation’s highways, bridges, dams and roadways. These structures are central to how the US moves, transports and does business, so when they begin failing, it can spell disaster. The main reason why most necessary maintenance doesn’t happen? Funding. That is why Brahman is dedicated to bringing down the costs of your job site by offering high quality materials that will cut your production costs by almost 40%!
Road safety systems are necessary to keeping the flow of commuters and civil engineers and Brahman Systems has the products that can help keep people safe and production moving steadily. Don’t take a chance receiving a fine from OSHA, having an employee hurt or damaging your equipment, instead opt for the advanced protection of Brahman’s cable and hose protectors. Made with steel and tested to 65 tons, our patented design is the clear winner against our competitors. Find out what Brahman boards can do for your company by calling our offices at 225-637-3700 or fill out our no-obligation Request a Quote form and get a speedy answer and a free Brahman pen!