Safety is always the #1 concern for any construction site manager. That is why there are regulations and rules regarding the practices, wages and working hours of all construction workers. While these institutions are critical to protecting worker’s quality of life, managers should be thorough in their research regarding construction safety equipment. It is not just about having the equipment there, it is about finding out what is the best kind of equipment for your site and its employees.
For example, electrocution and power tool accidents are one of the leading causes of accidental injury for construction workers. Whether it be from “body contact with power cables, cable strikes on underground utilities, or defective of ground-fault protection” not having the proper cable protection can be extremely dangerous and can lead to some nasty consequences. In fact, one of the Top Ten Reasons why agencies are frequently cited by OSHA is because of electrical issues stemming from “wiring methods, design and protection.”
Just think of how many injuries, deaths and fines could have been avoided if more site managers were firm in their dedication to providing quality electrical and hose protection. We at Brahman Systems have seen the terrible results that come from making poor equipment decisions and that is why we wanted to create a product that would fill a much needed space. What the market is lacking for protective needs, Brahman Systems is filling with our patented designs and superior materials. Why should working in construction mean that you aren’t afforded the same safety regulations that other workplaces are?
Because cable and hose are such a small part of the site, we find that managers are not as concerned with construction safety equipment for such a small piece. They often don’t think of them until it is too late. But with Brahman by your side, you could have the new industry standard for protection. Our cable and hose protectors are constructed using only steel that has been tested to 125,000 pounds. That is 65 tons! They can handle your largest projects or the heaviest loads. Call our offices at 225-637-3700 or fill out our no-obligation Request A Quote form to find out how affordable Brahman’s cable and hose ramps can be for your construction site safety.
For example, electrocution and power tool accidents are one of the leading causes of accidental injury for construction workers. Whether it be from “body contact with power cables, cable strikes on underground utilities, or defective of ground-fault protection” not having the proper cable protection can be extremely dangerous and can lead to some nasty consequences. In fact, one of the Top Ten Reasons why agencies are frequently cited by OSHA is because of electrical issues stemming from “wiring methods, design and protection.”
Just think of how many injuries, deaths and fines could have been avoided if more site managers were firm in their dedication to providing quality electrical and hose protection. We at Brahman Systems have seen the terrible results that come from making poor equipment decisions and that is why we wanted to create a product that would fill a much needed space. What the market is lacking for protective needs, Brahman Systems is filling with our patented designs and superior materials. Why should working in construction mean that you aren’t afforded the same safety regulations that other workplaces are?
Because cable and hose are such a small part of the site, we find that managers are not as concerned with construction safety equipment for such a small piece. They often don’t think of them until it is too late. But with Brahman by your side, you could have the new industry standard for protection. Our cable and hose protectors are constructed using only steel that has been tested to 125,000 pounds. That is 65 tons! They can handle your largest projects or the heaviest loads. Call our offices at 225-637-3700 or fill out our no-obligation Request A Quote form to find out how affordable Brahman’s cable and hose ramps can be for your construction site safety.